Summer Plans: What are Foresters Up To?

The summer is quickly approaching. In just a few weeks, we’ll all leave campus for summer break. Some students here at Lake Forest College are just going home to hang out with old friends, but other students have some very interesting plans.

This summer, 45 students of the class of 2020 are staying on campus for the Richter Scholar Research Program to conduct research projects for either four or 10 weeks. The research projects cover a wide range of subjects. For example, Isaac Winter ‘20 said, “I will be doing research with Professor Zeller, photographing the Lake Forest College Chapel.” Brett Palmero ’20 “will be working with Professor Kirk, in her telomere lab alongside my Richter partner, Anna Sandler. We will be mutating the telomere and seeing the consequences of altering it.This is just a small sample of the students who will be conducting Richter research.

Other students have different plans. Many out-of-state students are excited to return home to their families, friends, and pets. “I’ll be going back to Memphis, my home. I haven’t seen my mom since August when she left me at school. I miss her very much,” said Fernand Qvyjt ‘20. “My best friend is coming along with me back home in June,” he added. Winter said, “I’m going back home to Texas after the Richter program.”

Jobs and internships are also often explored over the summer. Kelsey Mitchell ’20, said, “I am going back to Vegas. I’m going to be a nursing assistant.” Benjamin Moskow ’20 will be “working as a sports camp counselor.” Students in the Activate summer internship program will complete valuable eight or 10-week internships in Chicago, while also earning college credit.

Just because some students have elaborate summer plans doesn’t mean that people who are staying home can’t have fun, as well. Jamie Pineda ‘20 isn’t going anywhere this summer. “I’m staying home in Chicago,” she said. However, she does have fun plans. “I plan on partaking in the Hamilton lottery every day. I want to see it again.” She’s excited to see her old friends, and also to plan a meet-up in Chicago with her Lake Forest College friends.

There are so many students here at Lake Forest College, and everyone will have a different summer experience. There are far too many summer plans to put in a single article. Have a great summer, Foresters. Stay safe, have fun, and, for those of you who are not graduating in May, we’ll see you on campus in the fall.

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